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The online Emotional Resignification sessions are being deeply productive and with great connection, providing me the well-being that I was seeking. Having this space during the week helps me maintain balance and peace; it helps me to deal in a lighter way with the challenging moments we are experiencing, letting go of unnecessary efforts and staying connected with myself, with my body, with sensations, and in the moment. Thank you with all my heart!

Business Owner

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First, I want to thank you for the opportunity to share with others my experience with the Bioflow® Breathing technique and the Bioflow® Emotional Resignification technique.
I am honestly stating that when I started this technique under an anxiety crisis, I was a bit skeptical as to the possible results. I thought to myself: how can a simple breathing and resignification technique help me improve my health? I was very wrong, because over time the positive results did come.
Goodbye to uncontrolled anxiety, invading thoughts, anguish and unhealthy sadness without apparent causes. With social isolation (necessary due to COVID 19), face-to-face sessions are not possible; however, I have done Resignification sessions in a virtual environment and they also bring very good results, mainly to lessen the stress I began to feel because of the pandemic.
Nowadays I feel calmer, less stressed, stronger and emotionally balanced to see with different eyes the challenges of life.


Retired Police Colonel, Lawyer, Public Speaker


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I have been doing therapy for two years and I came in contact with the Bioflow® Emotional Resignification. I confess that in the beginning I was not very confident that it would work! I believed that they would be a dozen boring sessions, without real meaning and that in the end they would help little. How fooled I was!
In each session, I discover and rediscover emotions stored, forgotten, left behind by routine, which are brought to my attention, and that allows me to feel, accept, give myself the right to have them, reflect on them, and change the way I perceive them.
I do not cast them aside, I do not pretend that they don't exist! Now I can look more at my emotions, feel each one of them and understand what they are telling me.
I am at the beginning of this process, but I already see how much I have changed, how much I have improved, and how much my healing process has advanced.
 It would be wonderful if everything could have contact with Emotional Resignification and I feel its benefits like I did.



Silmara Regina Tim Fuentes, profesora..p

In the past, I had a limiting belief that led me to attribute feelings, such as guilt, anger, injustice, or sadness to people who I engaged with. From the moment I met Bioflow® Breathing I began to resignify all  my emotional states.
From there I experienced an expansion of consciousness, a very important process that helped me in the healing of the pains of my childhood and of my interpersonal relationships. Even going through various struggles, at the end of each session I noticed that I was transforming myself into a stronger human being with the opportunity to grow internally, to be more lucid and more aware of my actions.
Today, with everything I have experienced on a day-to-day basis, I conclude that it was through this process that I resignified my stories and reached a greater emotional balance, because I learned to take a careful look at all my issues, thus having the opportunity to grow internally and expand my awareness.


Sales Rep


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Through the Bioflow® sessions I managed to reach a level of emotional intelligence, inner peace and serenity to make decisions that I would never have imagined. It is as if I had done an internal cleansing that made me see life and people in a different way. It has changed my life and has brought me the self-love and peace that I have always sought. I'm very grateful!

Specialist in Professional Careers

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