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Emotional Resignification

According to the main theories of psychology and neuroscience, our conscious brain processes only a small part of the input that we receive through the senses. So in order to filter the remaining information our brain uses "belief filters" from our past experiences. According to research in cell biology, our unconscious brain (reptilian and limbic sections) processes information incredibly much faster than our conscious mind (that is, the neocortex) and between 95% and 99% of the time, it uses information stored from our childhood as reference.


Most of the beliefs we hold are based on interpretations of the experiences that we lived, both painful and pleasant. As children, we built an image of ourselves according to how our relatives and other people in our lives treated us. For example, if we often hear that we are stupid or incompetent, we end up feeling this way. Similarly, if when we grew up we were told that we were smart or cute, we build a higher self-esteem.


In a way, we learn to see the world as described implicitly or explicitly by the people closest to us. That is, we incorporate their beliefs which get engraved deep in our unconscious. Later, we interpret reality and build our lives based on those unconscious beliefs.


So even when we consciously decide something, like to make more money, if our unconscious contains too many limiting beliefs about our ability to get it, or about money itself, it will be much more difficult for us to succeed at this goal.

When we believe that we cannot, the brain already predisposes us for that. However, if we change the beliefs that we have in the unconscious, that will impact our reality.


This is how the placebo effect works: when we think that a pill can heal us, we feel better just by taking it. Our belief about the power of this pill helped us get better. In the same way, if we believe that something is going to hurt us, it will end up doing so.


Our unconscious assumes that biologically we are a success just because of the fact that we are alive. It considers that all of our thoughts have contributed to this success and therefore must be kept. That is the reason why there is a tendency not to want to change them, including even those thoughts and beliefs that sabotage us unconsciously.


Bioflow® Emotional Resignification adds to the well-known benefits of "positive thinking" the inclusion of our emotional side and deep memories. In other words, it is not solely a mental and verbal process. For example, in the case of a person who does not feel valuable enough, working only with the positive thought "I am a valuable person" will yield interesting but limited results.


However, by doing a profound job of transforming the emotions related to self-worth, the negative effects produced by devaluation can be modified, and a deeper, more lasting transformation achieved.

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