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  • Writer's picturePablo Quinteros


Updated: Sep 23, 2020

Today I was planning to keep introducing Bioflow® from a conceptual point of view, but I’ve decided instead to talk about what’s going on with the COVID-19 pandemic. These are times of intense emotion and times that will probably be of great significance for the future. This too will pass, but it won’t be forgotten, and it shouldn’t be.

We might be experiencing fear—probably the most prevalent emotion now. Fear of getting sick or of passing the virus to others. Sadness because of all the time we can’t spend with our loved ones; some might be mourning a loss. Anger because more wasn’t done to prevent this, anger for all the things that we suddenly can’t do, or anger at life in general for bringing this to our lives. Anxiety for what the future holds for our health, our economy, and our relationships.

So how do we deal with all this the best way possible?

First of all, we would do well to remember our blessings, that there’s a bright side to all. Even in these trying times, we should be thankful for the time and unique opportunity we have to reconnect with others, either at home in person or remotely. We are so blessed that this situation happened when there are such wonderful technologies as cellphones, computers, and the Internet that allow us to stay in touch in so many ways. We should be thankful for the solidarity and the efforts of so many people that are working to heal others, volunteering, and donating.

And while we humans are aching, the earth and nature are using this unprecedented reprieve to heal and replenish.

But above all, this is a rare chance to reconnect with ourselves, to look inside. To be more conscious: of ourselves, our emotions, our spiritual self; and that’s what Bioflow® is all about. In Bioflow® we say that no emotion is wrong, but we do need to be conscious about them. And this is indeed a time for getting to know ourselves, to acknowledge and accept our feelings. When we don’t know what we really feel, we are at the mercy of our emotions; but when we develop our capacity to be conscious, we recover our personal power and free will.

This pandemic is also a warning about how fragile things are and a message to slow down the crazy pace of our lives, as individuals and humanity as a whole. We are too used to be on autopilot, so now is the time to stop and take stock and hopefully to adjust. To start being more accepting of ourselves and others; to give love and to be open to receiving love; to start creating a better version of ourselves.

So I wish you the best for all and stay healthy in mind, emotions, and body!

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