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Family Constellations

Family Constellations, also known as Systemic Constellations, is a method created by Bert Hellinger that combines elements of family systems therapy, phenomenology, and novel and unique insights, with the goal of identifying unrecognized dynamics that could include multiple generations within a given family or organization. The emphasis is on uncovering theses dynamics, accepting the factual reality of the past, and encouraging a resolution or rebalancing for the client.


Instead of understanding mind, emotion, and consciousness separately, Family Constellations opens a door to the full picture of a system and looks to discern a sense of meaning. A connection with the ancestors is a central aspect of the Constellations process.


Hellinger characterized the relation between present and past problems as systemic entanglements, often originating when unresolved trauma from major events has afflicted a family or organization. This phenomenon is also described as "invisible loyalties."


The technique recognizes that the rules of a system are different than those of the individuals, possibly even opposite and counterintuitive to them. Those rules are exemplified by what Hellinger calls Orders of Love, which guide the feelings of belonging, guilt, and innocence. To bring peace and clarity to a system, these rules and influences have to be recognized and acknowledged.


The process to set up a Family Constellation is simple. A facilitator will have a discussion with the client aiming to gather adequate information about the family members and the client’s concerns. Based on that, the facilitator will invite the client to place people acting as representatives in the configuration that best represents the system.


Although ideally done in person, the technique has proven effective in one-on-one sessions or via online communication.

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