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Breathing Sessions

We breathe more than 20,000 times a day, mostly of it unconsciously—that is, we do not realize that we are breathing or how we are doing it. We exchange more than 10,000 liters of air daily with the environment, the most intense of all the relationships we have with the world. This relationship lasts a lifetime, beginning with the first inspiration and ending with the last expiration.


Bioflow® Breathing technique aims to reconnect with the essence of who we are. Deconstructing breathing habits that took us away from our very self allows us to re-encounter our most genuine nature.


The breathing is a path to explore what we unconsciously want or do not want to feel. According to the type of emotion we are experiencing, our way of breathing changes. For example, when we are afraid, the breath is shorter and faster (or inhibited). And when we feel relaxed, like when we get home and lie on the couch, for example, we take deeper, more pleasant breaths.


Our unconscious defined in the past the situations in which it was more prudent to disconnect from feelings, in order to minimize suffering, and for that reason it made us breathe less. When our brain determines that there are things it doesn't want to feel, it preemptively causes our body to develop the habit of breathing less and with deviations.


During a Bioflow® Breathing session, one is taught to breathe gently, lightly, and consciously for a little over an hour, during which time the Bioflow® practitioner requests some small adjustments to your breathing following the technique's protocol.


These adjustments correct small respiratory deviations that we all have. The correction of deviations increases the chance of perception, and the person, who is in a state of self-observation, can gradually make contact with deeper layers of emotions. This contact may initially occur through physical sensations, mental insights about thoughts, or beliefs (life approaches) that were not previously considered. The conscious observation of this process, together with the tailored breathing technique, promotes that these emotions can be processed and reintegrated in a more actualized and efficient way in our life.

Thus, the client gradually increases their bodily, mental and emotional self-awareness, developing in the process their emotional intelligence.


The session ends with 10 to 15 minutes of rest and relaxation to better integrate the events experienced. The total period from the beginning to the end of the session is approximately is about 2 hours.

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