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Awareness - Mind, Emotions, and Body

The Bioflow® Emotional Intelligence technique is based on learning to step out of our unconscious habitual, repetitive tendencies, so we can choose standpoints more coherent with what we consciously want. Ultimately, it is about resignifying repressed emotions as well as unconscious memories so that they no longer limit our potential.


This process allows us to assume responsibility for our emotions, which in turn leads to empowerment as protagonists of our own change. This inner work mainly focuses on increasing mental, emotional, and body awareness.

In other words, it is about generating more self-awareness in regard to:

● What we think, considering thinking as a system that interacts with emotions and with the body.

● What we feel emotionally, knowing that there are painful issues that prevent us from seeing reality in an adjusted way, as well as triggers that make us repeat the past.

● What we feel in our body, understanding body awareness as the most reliable indicator of what we are feeling.


Bioflow® helps these three human dimensions to interrelate and work together in a more attuned way.

By developing these three dimensions in a balanced way, and through awareness and resolution of limiting patterns, we can make significant leaps in our well-being and quality of life.


The natural result of developing our emotional intelligence is our empowerment over desires and goals, in such a way that frees us from unconscious conditioning.  We can then engage fully in our life, vocation, and purpose.

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